Too many teenagers in Haiti have been enticed into gang life. The pull they feel to become part of a gang can be strong. Many current gang members prey on teens who have dropped out of school and are looking for a way to survive. These at-risk teens are being recruited by armed groups who offer money and security.
CNN recently interviewed a teenager in Port-au-Prince. “This teenager was 11 years old when he started working for a gang. He was homeless and hungry, he told CNN, and the gang offered him food. He would like to get out – but he doesn’t know how.”
This is the harsh reality in Haiti.
But there is a better choice! Your generosity is helping combat this pull toward gang life in Luly, Haiti. Sponsorship is keeping teens in school and Youth Bible Clubs are pointing them to Christ.

Pastor Gary at Armee du Salut said, “Without these activities, the young people will have only one choice – going to the gangs. I always have programs for the young people in the community.”
The youth in Pastor Gary’s school and church are invited to play drums, lead the Youth Bible Club meetings, and sing in the choir. The hope is that these opportunities will provide them with a strong sense of community and an alternative to gangs that dominate Haitian society.
Your generosity is giving youth in Luly an opportunity to follow Jesus, rather than taking up a gun.

“Just imagine children under 16 being part of gangs that kill others without fear. We’re in a very serious fight now just to save the most vulnerable in Luly.
We are in a more complex and difficult situation than before, which means that we are obliged to multiply our efforts.
Thank you very much for your support of our ministry.
Even when the majority of our young people do not know that Jesus has love and even died for them, it is my duty to teach them about Jesus’ love for them. Thank you again for your support.” – Pastor Gary
Do you want to support Youth Bible Clubs month after month through The Cornerstone Club?
Or sponsor an at-risk child in Luly?
You can!