I recently read an article entitled, “How to Raise a World Changer” and it offered advice about raising children to make a difference in the world. The advice in the article was simple…


Teach kids to love others, teach them to have compassion and teach them to be generous.


This article reminded me of Tyro Christian Church and how they are raising their own world-changers while simultaneously blessing families in Haiti!



Tyro Christian Church in Tyro, Kansas held a TyroROCKS Vacation Bible School over the summer for children ages four through 6th grade. What they accomplished during this short week was phenomenal!


During this one-week VBS, the children raised enough funds to provide 84 goats to families in Haiti. That’s right… 84 goats!


This simple fundraiser taught the children to love others – even those they have never met. It taught them to have compassion for those who have less, and it taught them to be generous with what God has given them.



The theme for TyroROCKS VBS was “Angels Among Us”.  Various community members such as first responders, military members and teachers taught Bible stories where “the Angel of the Lord” was at work. The kids at TyroROCKS had the opportunity to be angels themselves to families in Haiti, providing them with a sustainable source of food and income through goats!


Thank you, TyroROCKS children, for changing the world – one goat at a time! 


If you’re interested in partnering with World Wide Village for your summer Vacation Bible School, please e-mail us at kanderson@worldwidevillage.org. We are making initial plans for side-by-side Vacation Bible School programs for partner churches in the U.S. and in Haiti!