World Wide Village celebrated two graduations this month!





A group of sixteen traditional birth attendants finished a 22-week training course this month. The goal of this training was to promote safer home deliveries in the rural areas. The trainings focused on best practices for safe deliveries such as the importance of hygiene, as well as warning signs of high-risk deliveries.


The reality in Haiti is that too many mothers and babies die during childbirth, but your support of the Healthy Mothers + Healthy Babies program is helping to change that. We are so proud of Magdala (WWV midwife), Jessica (WWV nurse) and Patricia (WWV volunteer nurse) for going above and beyond to make these trainings fun and educational. We are so proud of these women as well as the 22 graduates who put in the time and effort to improve their skills. Being a matron is a high calling to serve moms and babies in rural Haiti.


Also, a special thanks to all of you who have supported the Healthy Mothers + Healthy Babies program. You are saving lives and sharing the love of Christ in amazing ways. Thank you!



Nine individuals also completed the WWV Zoom business training this month led by a group of business professionals from Iowa. The Haitian business owners, who were helped by grants or loans given by WWV donors, were invited to participate in the program to help them increase their success.


The business trainings focused on calculating profit and loss, the importance of a business plan, the pitfalls of debt, and how to differentiate your business from your competitors.


We are so thankful for the dedicated team members from Iowa who committed to not only helping them grow in their business knowledge, but also in their walk with the Lord.  We are excited to see how God continues to use these trainings in the lives of those who attended by building sustainability!