The Challenge:
Intestinal worms are not something we like to think about. Yet living in rural areas of Haiti, intestinal worms can be a major problem for young children. Many children lack clean sources of water in these areas and may unknowingly drink contaminated water. Children can also be exposed to worms from the soil, as many children in rural Haiti walk barefoot.
Intestinal worms cause children to suffer with abdominal cramps and diarrhea. Intestinal worms can take away up to 20% of a child’s daily nutritional intake. Especially at a time like this, many children in Haiti are suffering from malnutrition and cannot afford such losses.
Lesser infections can keep children out of school as they continually suffer with troublesome symptoms. In more severe cases, intestinal worms can even cause death.

The Solution:
Albendazole is a de-worming medication that can protect children from intestinal worms. A single dose of de-worming medication will rid a child of intestinal worms such as roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms and others. It will also prevent a child from becoming infected with worms in the future. Albendazole can also prevent the spread of worms in a community.
World Wide Village recently received a grant from Vitamin Angels, allowing our medical staff to provide Albendazole, along with Vitamin A, to children in Williamson and Luly.

The Long-Term Impact:
Living free of intestinal worms allows children to attend school and live healthy lives. De-worming programs have been so effective that they are listed among the top recommended approaches to combating poverty in Dean Karlan and Jacob Appel’s book, “More Than Good Intentions.”
Your support of World Wide Village is allowing this new vitamin program to take off in Williamson and Luly – impacting thousands of children in the community. Thank you!
The timing of this program has been so very important. At a time in Haiti when many children are going without food, it’s important that they are receiving the important nutrients from the food their families are able to afford. This is just another way you have helped the people of Haiti prepare for the storm.