Sustainability. This word is often used in reference to poverty alleviation, but what exactly does is mean? Monlouis’ story will give you a picture of what it looks like to build sustainable solutions to poverty.
Monlouis grew up in Haiti with a mother who loved to be in the kitchen. “I learned how to bake watching my mom in the kitchen. She was a great cook. When I was old enough, I enjoyed helping.” Like many young adults in Haiti, Monlouis set out from his hometown to look for work. With his wife and young daughter along, he settled in the quiet village of Williamson, Haiti. That’s when disaster struck.
Monlouis became very ill and was unable to work and provide for his family. He lost everything. In the midst of his struggle he reached out to his pastor. “When I was sick and couldn’t work, Pastor Yves was always there for me.”
Pastor Yves and his church cared for Monlouis and his family. They found Monlouis a place to stay and made sure they had food to eat. Slowly, Monlouis has regained his strength. “I am still not as physically able as I used to be, but little by little I’m getting better.”
While his health was improving, he was still struggling internally. “I was getting sick thinking about my girls who were not able to start school. I wasn’t doing anything to provide.” Receiving hand-outs when you’re ill is a blessing, but Monlouis was ready to provide for his family. Monlouis knew he could earn a living by selling baked goods in the market. He had learned to bake from his mother and he was good at it, but didn’t have the resources to get started. Then YOU stepped in! Monlouis received a micro loan to get his business started.
Sustainability looks like helping a man use his skills and passions to earn a living for his family. Thanks to your support, Monlouis now has a business selling baked goods in the market. Sustainability tastes sweet… as sweet as Monlouis’ delicious sweet bread!

Someday we hope that Monlouis will be able to expand his business and open a bakery where he can employ others in his village – creating jobs and building sustainability. Monlouis says about his future, “It’s all in God’s hands.”
Thank you for your role in blessing Monlouis and his family. Monlouis is so appreciative of the opportunity to start his own business. “This is not just a loan, but a gift from God,” he says. “The work of World Wide Village is so important. I hope what happened to me could be a blessing for someone else, too.” Your gifts to World Wide Village are changing lives. Thank you.
Business in Haiti. Sustainability in Haiti. Missions in Haiti. Microloans in Haiti.