The maternal health program at Sant Sante Espwa has kicked into full gear since January. These programs are only possible thanks to your support of World Wide Village. Mési anpil, anpil, anpil!
Health education has begun at several of the WWV partner schools. The teaching seems to be going very well and the students are learning. Our midwife is using a very extensive curriculum that covers a wide range of topics in health and sex education.
Aside from the occasional shy giggling from the room of teenagers, they are engaged and thankful for the information. Several of the students have even sought additional information from our midwife at the medical center.

HIV testing also began last month and two mothers have tested positive for HIV. They have both been referred to SADA MATHEAU – a hospital with an HIV program through USAID. The Haitian physician that oversees the Healthy Mothers + Healthy Babies program previously worked at SADA MATHEAU so we are thankful for that connection. The mothers will be able to receive treatment for HIV at the hospital free of charge.
World Wide Village recently received a grant from Vitamin Angels to provide young children in Williamson and Luly with Vitamin A and Albendazole (de-worming medication). Receiving bi-annual doses of vitamin A in early childhood protects vision, immunity, and supports physical development. Adding Albendazole, an anti-parasitic, ensures optimal absorption of nutrients. The vitamins are provided for children under age 5 and are being distributed both at Sant Sante Espwa and in the WWV partner schools. These vitamins are a wonderful addition to the Healthy Mothers + Healthy Babies program.

Our midwife and nurse spent the first two months of the year spreading the word about the Healthy Mothers + Healthy Babies program.
It has been a success!
More and more mothers are enrolling in the maternal health program. They are receiving the care they need for healthy pregnancies and healthy deliveries.
Additionally, several teenage mothers have sought care and counsel with our midwife and nurse. These young mothers have been able to come to Sant Sante Espwa and receive care, free of charge and free of condemnation. “For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him” (John 3:17).
Please pray that these young mothers would feel Christ’s love at Sant Sante Espwa and turn to Him in their time of need to receive His grace and salvation.
Praise God for healthy mothers + healthy babies!