Williamson and Luly are becoming a refuge for those who are fleeing gang violence – a light in the darkness. In the midst of these difficult circumstances, the church is acting as the hands and feet of Jesus to people who are hurting.
Last month, World Wide Village partnered with Grace Community Church and seven churches in Haiti to provide food for those in the community who are often going without. Food packages were distributed by the local pastors both to those who are housing families who have fled violence and others as they have needs.
Isaiah 58:10 “If you open your heart to the hungry, and provide abundantly for those who are afflicted, your light will shine in the darkness, and your gloom will be like the noon.”
Pastor Louisdor
“First of all, I would like to thank the mission of World Wide Village that thinks about the Haitian people, especially the people that are in this community. This area right here in the Arcahaie region, it is a refuge for everyone.
People come from Montrouis and from Source Matelas and Cabaret… they end up here. Some come to the neighborhood and reach out to the pastors.
They come to the pastors because they think the pastors have plenty. But sometimes the pastors are even worse off than those they are helping. But since the insecurity problems, the pastors have been digging into their own pockets to help those who are really, really in need. I would like to say thank you to everyone who helped make this possible.”
~ Pastor Joassaint
Pastor Zidor
“I want to thank you for allowing this to happen. It’s going to help me to help others who are really in need. Thank you, again.”
~ Pastor Francois
Pastor Gary
“Thank you to World Wide Village for allowing us to have this blessing. Thank you to all the churches who participated and allowed us to receive this. I thank God. We are going to continue to pray for everyone who participated in this aid. My plan is to help others who are not able to help themselves. Thank you. May God bless you.”
~ Pastor Yves
Pastor Nerner
One of the local pastors who also runs a school in Haiti recently said,
“I cannot stand to see children not in school.
I cannot stand to see children on the streets.
I cannot stand to see children not eating.”
He followed up by saying, “I will continue fighting alongside World Wide Village to improve the lives of our children in Haiti.”
As the situation in Haiti continues to be a great struggle, we are so thankful for your ongoing support. Thanks to you, children in the World Wide Village partner schools are receiving nutritious lunches throughout the summer! These lunches are an incredible help to parents who just cannot afford to feed their children every day. A hot meal during the week guarantees that a child will have a full belly and will help fight the effects of malnutrition.
Thank you for making this possible!