Meet Christlove! This 22-year-old woman has been attending sewing school at the World Wide Village Sewing Center and has been a regular attendee of our Williamson Bible Study. “I’ve learned so much in this study,” she said. “I would definitely recommend it to the other girls in the community.”
In March, the girls started a study on purity and healthy relationships. “This is a topic that a lot of the girls here can relate to,” said Christlove. “I want more girls to come to this study and give their lives to Christ, instead of giving their lives to men.”
Since she started following Jesus, Christlove’s life has changed in many different ways. “I’ve been focusing on the word ‘purification,’” she said. “This word has reminded me to let go of everything that is bad in my life. This allows me to live simply for Christ.”
Christlove has quickly emerged as a leader within her community of young women in Williamson. Coming alongside these girls with a gospel-centered focus is truly a joy for us—we love the opportunity to open the Bible with them every week!
We are so thankful for missionaries like Ray & Sara Aten, who have been called to full-time ministry in Haiti and led the spring study on purity. We are also thankful to those of you who selflessly give each month to create opportunities in rural Haiti like a sewing school and a Bible study. These monthly gifts through the Cornerstone Club not only support the ongoing costs associated with operating a sewing school, but also provide funds to employ Haitian leaders for the women’s Bible studies and the ability to purchase new studies and Bibles for the young women who are seeking to grow spiritually.
Please consider giving a monthly gift of any amount to support these projects and continue to see young women like Christlove grow and thrive – both by learning a trade and by learning God’s Word.