8 Barriers to Education: Part 1

Children living in poverty face many barriers to accessing an education. Some are more obvious such as a lack of schools in a mountain village. Other barriers are more subtle – like teachers lacking the training needed to help children learn effectively.    ...

Abdaina Luc

We often say that when you sponsor a child, you provide help for today, hope for tomorrow, and faith for eternity. But what does that look like in the life of a child in Haiti? Seven years ago, Abdaina Luc was just 8 years old and in 2nd grade at the Armee du Salut...

Unimaginable Hardships

  When we say that Haiti is in crisis and that families are facing unimaginable hardships, it really is hard to imagine. If you traveled to Haiti with World Wide Village over the last 10 years you probably met Reggie. He is a beloved translator and works in the...

What’s Happening in Haiti? [January 2025]

SANT SANTE ESPWA:   The BBC wrote a recent report from a hospital in Haiti that spoke to the bleak reality in this country:   “The first cries of Baby Woodley, just one day old, were the same as those of children born anywhere: for food and for comfort. But as...