Cervical Cancer Screening
Thanks to you, 90 women were screened for cervical cancer last month! Of those 90 women, sixteen tested positive for HPV. World Wide Village assisted these women in traveling to Port-au-Prince to be treated with cryotherapy. Thanks to your faithfulness and care, these women are no longer at high risk for developing cervical cancer. Even though this is a disease that has been nearly eliminated in the United States, there are so many barriers that keep women from being able to reduce their risk for cervical cancer in Haiti. THANK YOU for breaking down those barriers to help save lives. If you would like to continue supporting medical care in Haiti, visit our #GivingTuesday page where you can give to support our wonderful World Wide Village nurses!
Building Sustainability
Clermancia is a sweet woman who lost her husband just six months ago. The mention of his name still brings tears to her eyes. Now a widow, she is raising her three children as a single mother. We have an opportunity to help her build a new life. $600 will allow Clermancia to start a business selling in the market so she can provide for her children. Clermancia’s goal is to sell backpacks, school supplies and other household items in her community. Would you come alongside Clermancia this #GivingTuesday by donating toward her new business?
The goal of World Wide Village is to assist each of these individuals to set up a small business to continue building sustainability. Click on the photo to learn more about each individual you have the opportunity to help over the next two weeks!
Spiritual Development
Pictured: Pastor Dan Bovenmyer preaching from Grace Community Church
As part of offering spiritual development in Williamson and Luly, Bible-based conferences were held for over 100 men, women and pastors last month. Pastors and leaders from Grace Community Church in North Liberty, Iowa taught on topics including justification by faith, the Holy Spirit’s role in sanctification, God’s love for us and how we are to love others. Each conference ended with time for Q & A’s where deep and difficult questions of faith were discussed. The Haitian pastors in the WWV Pastor’s Coalition continue to meet monthly through online calls with pastors from Grace Community Church.
We also have several individuals who are spiritually pouring into our staff through weekly Bible studies over Zoom. What a blessing this is both for our Haitian staff and for our Impact Team members who can continue to make an impact in Haiti even from home. A special thank you to Les Hill and Sara Aten for spiritually encouraging our staff!
The young women from our weekly Bible studies also spent an afternoon at the beach, building relationships and having fun together! This was a special treat for a wonderful group of women who continue to seek the Lord together.