There is very little healthcare available in rural areas of Haiti. To begin to address the needs of the communities where we work, World Wide Village constructed a permanent medical center. Since its completion, World Wide Village has been providing care aimed at addressing some of the most critical needs in Haiti.
- Maternal Healthcare: Haiti has the highest maternal and infant mortality rates in the Western Hemisphere, but there is a solution. World Wide Village runs a Healthy Mothers + Healthy Babies maternal health program to promote safe pregnancies and deliveries in the rural village of Williamson. The program is now expanding to provide health education in the schools and a vitamin program for young children.
- Blood Pressure Program: Stroke is the number one cause of death in Haiti – brought about primarily by hypertension. World Wide Village is working hard to provide affordable treatment for hypertension, as well as educating the population about the risk factors and importance of controlling high blood pressure.
- Cervical Cancer Screening: Haiti has the highest rate of reported cervical cancer in the world, primarily due to the lack of screening and treatment availability. World Wide Village is honored to be the first non-profit to participate in a national cervical cancer prevention program with Haiti sans Cervical Cancer and Family Health Ministries to begin screening women for HPV and treating early signs of cervical cancer.
- Wound Care: An overlooked danger to health and well-being in Haiti is the danger of wounds. Without proper cleaning and treatment of wounds, motorcycle accidents, farming accidents, falls, scrapes and burns can all cause serious trouble for the people of Haiti. The nurses at the WWV Medical Center offer wound care to prevent infection and promote healing.

In addition to these ongoing programs, World Wide Village hosts short-term Impact Teams who provide medical care for the residents of Williamson and Luly. These teams of trained physicians and nurses serve to diagnose health problems, train local Haitian medical providers, and provide education on public health issues.
At World Wide Village we understand that medical care can only provide a temporary benefit for the people of Haiti, and so feel strongly about providing a model of medical care that works in tandem with a provision of spiritual care. Our desire is that each patient who comes into our medical center is not only treated medically but is also introduced to the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

World Wide Village, Inc. is a registered 501c(3) nonprofit organization:
Accounting Office - Please send checks to:
World Wide Village
2412 Irwin St., Suite 206
Melbourne, FL 32901
Contact Information:
Phone: (651) 777-6908
Minnesota Office:
3495 Northdale Blvd. NW, Suite 230
Coon Rapids, MN 55448
*All donations made to World Wide Village will be used at the organization’s discretion for any purpose consistent with its tax-exempt mission.