Each time a new child is sponsored in one of our World Wide Village schools we have a celebration. These moments inspire a little dance, high five and a “woohoo!” as they bring us such JOY!
We know that this child who was sponsored will now have a chance of breaking the cycle of illiteracy and poverty that plagues the country of Haiti. This child will now receive a Christ-centered education without a heavy financial burden. This child will now have a daily hot lunch and a safe place to learn. This child will now have the opportunity to succeed and grow.
That deserves a little celebration!
Then comes the HEARTBREAK…
At the beginning of the school year we ordered a photo of each student in the schools – thanks to free prints from Shutterfly! – in anticipation of new students being sponsored. These photos are all alphabetized and waiting to be mailed to new sponsors. As I filter through the pack of photos, looking for the student that was sponsored, each photo I pass is a reminder that there are still many children who do not yet have sponsors.
As I flip through the A’s I see Aphnie Belizaire from Luly – a sweet girl with a shy smile.
As I flip through the B’s I see Bensy Jeanty, a 6-year old boy from Williamson. His family could not afford to purchase a uniform for him this year and I wonder…will he be able to attend school next year without a sponsor?
There is a photo of Kethlene Raymond – a 15-year old girl from Williamson who is only in 3rd grade. Will she be able to persevere and complete school when she’s so far behind without the encouragement of a sponsor?
Our hearts rejoice when a new child is sponsored and then break for the rest who have yet to be chosen. I share these feelings with you because you have the power to help! Imagine if each person reading this article asked just one friend to sponsor a child. So many new children could receive the gift of sponsorship and an opportunity to thrive.
Now THAT would be a celebration!
Will you consider sharing about student sponsorship through World Wide Village with just one friend today? Send a text, an e-mail or a Facebook message. It would take just five minutes, but could change a child’s life. www.worldwidevillage.org/student-sponsorships
P.S. If you would like to do even more by hosting a Sponsorship Sunday at your church, please contact us at: kanderson@worldwidevillage.org and we can help you get started!