Please take a moment to enjoy 9-year old Kerline as she shared a song with us outside one of our WWV mobile medical clinics. The song translated into English is a song of praise and faith. Here are the lyrics:
Lord, I believe you are God.
Yes, I believe you are the Alpha.
I believe you died,
and I believe you are raised.
Yes, I believe that you are the master of life,
and I believe you are the prince of peace.
Yes, I believe you have all power,
and I believe you are the first One.
Please forgive the noise of the generator in the background and the patients waiting for the WWV mobile medical clinic. Sometimes moments occur outside of professional lighting and video equipment that are still worth sharing and celebrating. This is Haiti! Again, we would like to say MÉSI to each of you for supporting God’s work in Haiti through World Wide Village. Kerline and her family are so thankful and so are we! Please read our recent updates on City on a Hill and how you can continue to be a part of blessing Haiti.