Pictured: Kuntz Family – First month in Haiti
“During our first 3 weeks in Haiti we had several teams visiting our guesthouse. One was a family in which the father was a doctor. They would go out into the ministry village and visit some of the sick people and prescribe care for them. But not only would they provide physical treatment, they would also share Jesus with them. On one occasion, they went to visit the home of an elderly lady who was sick and likely near death. They treated her and shared about Jesus with her. She became a follower of Jesus that day.
When we had the opportunity, we went up to visit the City on a Hill project in Williamson to get a glimpse of the progress of the medical clinic. There had been a lot accomplished since we last visited in February! It was neat to see about a dozen Haitians diligently working to finish up the project that is months in the making.
As I looked at the medical clinic, I thought of the months ahead and what might be possible. I thought of all of the people from the surrounding towns who would come and receive medical treatment. And I thought of all of the people who would not only receive medical attention, but would hear quite possibly for the first time about Jesus. Tens, hundreds, even thousands of people over time could come to the City on a Hill to heal their bodies and fill their souls. The possibilities are endless! It truly will be a light in the community that all the people will see!” – Josh Kuntz