Gang violence is at an all-time high in Haiti. It is devastating to learn of teens being recruited into gangs with the promise of food and shelter. It is heartbreaking to imagine the fear that children are facing daily as gangs burn homes and cause many to flee.
Right now, children in Haiti are suffering unspoken stresses – feel unseen, unloved, and forgotten. Yet God’s Word says the opposite. While we cannot put an end to the gang violence, we can point those who live in fear to Jesus. Pastor Gary from Armee du Salut recently voiced the significance of providing Youth Bible Clubs in areas like Luly.

“The majority of young people do not know that Jesus has love for them and even died for them. We are in a more complex situation than ever before, which means we need to multiply our efforts. Just imagine children under 16 being a part of the gangs that kill one another without fear. We are in a very serious fight right now just to save the most vulnerable in Luly.”
Thanks to you, two churches in Luly receive funds each month to hold Youth Bible Clubs. Over the last several months, children and teens in Luly have learned about topics such as how redemption and justification show God’s love. Children are learning scripture such as Romans 5:1 “Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
They have heard that Jesus Christ, by his death and resurrection, conquered the power of sin and death. Thus, those who are in relationship with him are no longer under eternal condemnation but have eternal life. This is good news in the midst of difficult times!

Our prayer for youth in Luly is that as scripture settles in their hearts and minds, His Word will accomplish all that God intends and will sprout in the hearts of many.
“For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return there but water the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:10-11
Pastor Gary is grateful for your partnership in sharing God’s love with youth in Luly. “It is my duty to teach them about Jesus’ love for them. Each time I look at them, I see Jesus and think of His atoning sacrifice. Thank you very much for your support of our ministry.”
Thank you for partnering with World Wide Village to share the good news of Jesus Christ!