Building homes in Haiti:
Pictured: Manicia with her three children in front of her old home
Manicia – a mother raising three small children alone – was recently blessed with an amazing gift. The gift of a home. Manicia has been working hard to provide for her children, slowly saving money as she can to build a small house.
Thanks to the help of a wonderful WWV Impact Team from Michigan, her dream of a home became a reality! Manicia will no longer need to live with her young children in a shelter with walls made of blue tarp leftover from the hurricane of 2012. Instead she will live in a safe, cinder block home that can withstand the rain, wind and hurricanes that wreak havoc on many of the homes in the area. This will be a home that will last for years to come and will be a safe place to nurture her young family and provide a sense of security.
Pictured: Manicia with the WWV team praying over her new home
Jesus Film:
Ray and Sara Aten presented the Jesus Film for the first time on Sunday, March, 4th in Gonaives partnering with Pastor Michel Morisset. There were over seventy Haitians present. Sara started out with music in Creole inviting the Holy Spirit to come and move through the music and film. The Haitians really seemed to be taking it all in as many have never seen a film on a giant screen let alone one about Jesus. An invitation was given at the end to receive Christ; although no one came forward Pastor Michel said many people were crying,
From Pastor Michel: “Thank you very much for last night. We keep praying for the people the Lord has touched by the film. We are hoping the attendance will be even more blessed each and every time.”
Continue to pray for this ministry to touch hearts and further God’s Kingdom in Haiti.
Education in Haiti:
Pictured: Students at the Williamson School
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela Reading, writing and arithmetic in Haiti – all thanks to our amazing student sponsors! Nearly 1,000 kids are being educated each day in five different school in Haiti and it’s such a blessing to see the smiles and joy on the faces of these children. Life isn’t always easy, but when you have the opportunity to attend school each day and enjoy a hot school lunch, there is hope for a bright future! Enjoy some recent photos that were taken during a school celebration in Williamson and Luly.
Pictured: WWV Boer goat – used to breed larger goats in Haiti
The World Wide Village goat program, poultry program and starter hog operation are going strong. Many families in rural Haiti have already received goats this year to provide additional income and a type of savings account that give security to families. “Money can’t buy happiness…but it can buy goats…and that’s pretty much the same thing!”
The poultry program continues to perfect its processes in the best ways to raise and sell broiler chickens locally in Haiti. Plans are also being explored for a meat processing facility that would provide processed chicken, goat, fish and pork to local vendors, such as the resorts along the coast. This meat processing facility could provide better access to meat in this area of Haiti as well as provide many new jobs in Williamson and Luly.