Pictured: Jamil Lucien


A jokester at heart, Jamil Lucien has been working with World Wide Village since the massive earthquake of 2010. Starting as a warehouse manager, Jamil now manages many aspects of World Wide Village and is a great problem solver.

Jamil grew up on La Gonave, an island just off the coast of Haiti. He grew up with parents who loved the Lord. “Even though you are born into a Christian family, that does not mean that you are born a Christian,” Jamil explains. Jamil learned from his parents that deciding to follow Christ is an individual decision.  In 1975 when Jamil started to fully understand how Christ died for him, he decided to commit his life to Christ, and was baptized. Then, in 1977 Jamil moved to the capital city of Haiti, Port-au-Prince, where he attended high school and served in the Haitian army for six years.

Jamil says that he loves to keep busy. Whether that’s working with World Wide Village or spending time with his 13 grandchildren, he likes to be active. The love for his family is evident, as is his dedication to World Wide Village.


Pictured: Jamil with an Impact Team and WWV staff in Haiti


“World Wide Village is like a community. When you are part of a community, you do what you can to help.”  We agree with Jamil, and are blessed to have him on staff with World Wide Village!

Also, a special thanks to our members of the Cornerstone Club who make it possible to have wonderful Haitian staff like Jamil. Your ongoing monthly gifts allow Jamil to continue working with World Wide Village, and serving the people of Haiti.


 We need your help to build a strong foundation for God’s work in Haiti. 

Read more about becoming a Cornerstone Club member today!