Penny Nelson
“My name is Penny Nelson. I am from Chelsea, Michigan. I am 22 years old. I am going to be a senior at Alma College where I am studying International Business and French. I came to Haiti to research the local businesses here, help some of the local business persons with their current business, as well as help some people start a business in the community. I would really like to get a full understanding of the way the people do business here so I can better understand how to help. This is my sixth trip to Haiti since 2011 and I hope to have many more in the future.”
Alyssa Maddocks
“My name is Alyssa Maddocks, and I am from Mount Vernon, IA. I am currently a sophomore at the University of Iowa where I am double majoring in Nursing and Journalism & Mass Communications. I decided to go to Haiti with World Wide Village this summer because it is a great opportunity for me to pursue the things I am passionate about, and this seems to be exactly where God is calling me!”
Ben Kirk
Hi! My name is Ben Kirk. I am one of four interns this summer working with World Wide Village. I live in Iowa City and attend The University of Iowa. I am currently a sophomore studying Biomedical Sciences on the pre-med track. I decided to come to Haiti this summer after the Lord laid it on my heart to serve and love the people of Haiti. It worked out perfectly when I saw they offered a medical based internship. This gave me the opportunity to learn more about healthcare in third-world countries, something I am very passionate about, as well as getting involved in the communities and building relationships with the Haitian people. At many times this past year, circumstances made it seem impossible that I would be traveling to Haiti this summer. Yet, God blessed me once again and opened all of the necessary doors, making it clear He wanted me here this summer.
Myranda Humphrey
“Hello! My name is Myranda Humphrey. I’m from a small town in the eastern part of Nebraska. I’m 18 years old and will be a freshman in college this fall. I’ll be studying child psychology and special education. This summer is my third trip to Haiti within the last 4 years. Haiti has always had a special place in my heart and when given the opportunity to come for 6 weeks and serve more I couldn’t resist. I’m very excited for what God has in store for the rest of my time here.”