“Mylove Charles” – a beautiful name for a beautiful young woman. Mylove lives just over the hill from the medical clinic being built as part of the City on a Hill Project in Williamson, Haiti. With your support, this WWV medical clinic will soon be able to serve thousands in need, but when Mylove went into labor last month the half-built clinic walls could not yet help.
Like many women living in poverty in Haiti, Mylove struggled during labor. Instead of having access to a trained midwife with the knowledge and supplies needed for a safe delivery, she had nowhere to turn. With no clinic in this area of Haiti, her options were limited.
Exhausted and helpless, Mylove continued to labor as she was taken into town looking for anyone who could help. Would she be able to find someone with a motorcycle to drive her to the hospital an hour away? Could she even afford the care if she made it to the hospital? Would the baby survive the stress of this prolonged delivery?

Pictured: Mylove after giving birth
Mylove ended up at a tire shop on the side of the road that day. She delivered a baby girl sitting on a dirty tire along a busy highway. Sadly, for many women in Haiti – especially those in rural areas like Williamson and Luly – this scenario is not uncommon. Pregnant women are 25x more likely to die in Haiti than in the United States.

Women in Haiti, created in the image of God, deserve better. They deserve medical care. World Wide Village is striving to provide this care to the people of Williamson and Luly. Finishing the medical clinic is the next step. Will you join us?
Will you give medical care to the people of Williamson, Haiti today?
Many of you have already responded and we are so grateful. If you haven’t yet, would you please consider giving to help us match the generous $30,000 challenge gift – making this much awaited project a reality?

Pictured: Mylove (far right) with her new baby, 3 siblings and mother