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Yes! I want to help families and empower communities.



Healthy Mothers


Organized by Patricia Mortensen

I'm getting creative with helping others. I've decided to focus all of my energy on raising awareness of projects affecting [ISSUE(S)]. My Goal is to raise [GOAL AMOUNT] by [GOAL DATE].

That's why I started this fundraiser on Pure Charity. Every penny of this goes to fund projects that provide [ADD DETAILS ABOUT THE PROJECTS IN YOUR CAMPAIGN]. These powerful projects even give updates on their progress that show real results and real lives impacted!

Thank you for helping me make a difference!

There are no updates at this time.

Days to Go

Healthy Mothers and Healthy Babies

We love babies!  Each one of them is a gift from God. A new life with new potential. But,...

One-time donations:

$0 of $37,366 raised

Healthy Mothers

I'm getting creative with helping others. I've decided to focus all of my energy on raising...

One-time donations:

$0 of $7,710 raised

Patricia Mortensen's 2021 Birthday Backpacks

My birthday is coming up on January 11th and this year I know exactly what I want!...

One-time donations:

$0 of $230 raised


403 Jackson Street, Suite 308
Minneapolis, MN 55303
Phone: (651) 777-6908

3810 Murrell Rd, #303
Rockledge, FL 32955
Phone: (321) 735-8574


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