Last month we shared a story about Sephora, a student who attends the Armee du Salut school in Luly. Sephora’s father has several serious health concerns, but thanks to wonderful supporters like you, Sephora and her sister are now sponsored!  Now we want to share the rest of the story… 

We first met Sephora and her mother, Evelyn, two years ago in Luly at a WWV mobile medical clinic. Evelyn came into the clinic complaining of a terrible headache. Upon examination, she was diagnosed with high blood pressure and was given medication.

Pictured: Robin Burns, Evelyn, Anel (WWV translator), Sephora, Molly Jones and Vethsaida. 

We very much care about Evelyn and her physical health, understanding how important it is to control blood pressure to prevent the risk of stroke – the number one cause of death in Haiti. We also care just as strongly about her spiritual health and her relationship with God. Offering medication provides a temporary help, but offering the gospel can provide an eternal reward.

After Evelyn met with the physician in our clinic, we had an opportunity to talk with her about her relationship with God. Throughout our conversation, we learned that Evelyn was very open to Christ and the salvation He offers. We also learned that her husband – Gerald – practices voodoo, so she knew that it would difficult for her to fully follow Jesus.

Just two years ago, we shared the truth of the gospel with Evelyn and she prayed to accept Christ as her Savior. Evelyn began attending church, but the next year when she visited our clinic she shared that Gerald was still practicing voodoo and she was struggling to follow Christ.  


Pictured: Sephora & Gerald

Now we were sitting with Gerald in the mobile medical clinic in Luly – just as we had years earlier with his wife – as he was told that the lumps in his throat could be cancerous.  Understanding the full weight of this potential diagnosis, and knowing that Gerald was not following Christ, we shared the gospel that day through many tears. We pleaded with Gerald to consider the truth of the gospel and the salvation that only comes through Jesus Christ. We spoke of the hope and the peace that is brought by being in a right relationship with God.

Unfortunately, Gerald was not ready to accept Christ that day. He believed that the cancer in his throat may have been caused by a voodoo curse. If he came to Christ he worried that he may not be able to rid himself of the tumors. He graciously told us thank you for our concern, but chose to walk away.

Will you join us in praying for Gerald?  Pray that Gerald would accept God’s free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ so that he can someday experience eternal life with God. Pray for the local church in Haiti as they continue to minister to Gerald and others in Luly who desperately need to know the love of God. We are praying that this is not the end of the story, but will someday be the beginning of Gerald’s story with God. We know there is power in prayer.