Providing healthcare in the midst of crisis is no easy task. Thanks to your faithful giving and God’s grace, mothers and babies continue to be blessed.
Our smallest full-term baby was born at just 4 lbs. over the weekend. Praise God the baby is breathing and eating normally. We are thankful for our amazing nurse and midwife who are there to provide the care that is needed!
Plans are also underway for another in-depth training for local birth attendants who often deliver babies in homes with no formal training. Thank you for making this possible!

Reaching senior year of high school is no small feat, especially in rural areas of Haiti. This year, there are 23 students in our sponsorship program who are in their final year of high school. Outstanding!
In Haiti, the final year of high school is grade 13 and is called “Philo” or “NS4”. Attending NS4 brings great pride and accomplishment and we want to celebrate our students.
A special thanks to our sponsors – many who have sponsored their student for many years. The opportunity for your student to reach NS4 was truly only possible with your help!

As you know, learning is nearly impossible when basic needs are unmet. Malnutrition and hunger are just one of the barriers to education that students face in Haiti.
Thanks to our amazing sponsors, school lunches are filling hungry bellies!

The microgrant program continues to provide new livelihoods for families who are struggling with poverty. Today more than ever it is very difficult to earn a living in Haiti. Most families have very little disposable income and are only purchasing the bare necessities.
While life is so difficult and uncertain, there is less need for construction workers to build new homes, or vendors to sell brand name clothing. These circumstances have forced many families to reach out for help. Thank you for being a strong support during these difficult days.