Cynthia Rivera from Iowa City, Iowa
How did you first get involved with World Wide Village? I first learned about World Wide Village while visiting Grace Community Church for the very first time (April 2012). There was a table display that had several print outs, photos, and friendly staff that answered all of my questions. I came back Sunday after Sunday and I was hooked. I found my church home. I continued learning more about the awesome work being done in Haiti and thought to myself, one day I will be going with them and March of 2015 I did jut that along with several members of my church, Grace Community Church.
When did you know that you were passionate about Haiti? From the very first moment I learned about the Haiti earthquakes my heart went out to all the people of Haiti. Then walking into Grace Community Church and learning about a team flying out to Haiti to help every six months was amazing news to learn about. I discovered there was a way I could help. I had medical background and this was a medical mission trip. This was perfect.
It all became more real the very last night in the WWV guesthouse. Right before bedtime while reflecting back on all that I’ve learned and seen from this experience. I found myself in tears. My work in Haiti was far from done. I felt as if I didn’t fulfill what I needed to do in Haiti, though I didn’t nor do I know now what that would be but I’m leaving that part up to God to guide me.
Also seeing first hand how God is working through several members of my church is such and inspiration and inspires me to continue my journey!
Which Ambassador activities are you most excited about? All of them! I’m up for all the challenges.