Nikola School:
Nikola is a school located in the mountainous regions above Williamson, Haiti. World Wide Village and wonderful supporters from Apex Efficiency Solutions have been working together to support this small school and help it thrive! A recent team visited the school, bringing lumber and know-how to build sturdy school desks for the children.
Pictured: Old school desk vs. new school desks
The team also had a blast getting to know the young kids at the school through the fun, interactive activities they planned. Many of the teens on this trip have been to Haiti several times, so they have become pros at jumping right in and loving on the children. They know well that they have been blessed to be a blessing!
Pictured: Teenagers from the Impact Team with Nikola students
Haiti is a very evangelized country, but a poorly discipled country. World Wide Village church partners have been striving to change this through monthly discipleship calls with local pastors and bi-annual conferences for the men, women and pastors. The most recent pastor’s conference challenged the men in considering the difference between building a movement and building a monument. When you build a movement, you work together as the church of Christ, helping to further God’s Kingdom in Haiti. When you build a monument, you are mainly worried about growing the size of your own congregation. The pastors were challenged to think more as a unified body of Christ.
Pictured: World Wide Village Pastor’s Coalition
The women’s conference focused on the story of the prodigal son, highlighting lessons from the book “The Prodigal God” by Tim Keller. In his book he explains that the word prodigal means “recklessly extravagant” and “having spent everything” so the parable could be entitled “The Prodigal God” because of God’s recklessly extravagant love and how He spent everything for us by sending Jesus to die on the cross for our salvation. The conference highlighted both the younger and older brothers in the parable, and ended with beautiful special music by Sara Aten.
Pictured: Women’s conference
Armee du Salut:
Sponsored student interviews were started last week at the Armee du Salut school in Luly. As a thank you to our wonderful student sponsors we want to help you get to know your students a little better. “What makes you smile?” is just one of the questions asked during the interviews. If you sponsor a student from Armee du Salut, be on the lookout in your mailbox for your student interviews over the next couple months!
Pictured: Ydwens Altenor being interviewed by Alexis (WWV staff)
Medical Care and Soul Care:
A special thanks to our recent medical team for doing an amazing job providing medical care and soul care to patients in need. The medical team worked alongside our WWV nurses to provide much-needed medical care, treating everything from simple heartburn, dehydration and skin rashes to some more serious medical conditions. We are also proud to say that every patient that came into our medical center had the opportunity to hear the gospel. To God be the glory!
Our World Wide Village nurses are doing a fantastic job with the ongoing blood pressure program and will soon be trained to screen for and treat early signs of cervical cancer. They are also beginning to provide wound care and are looking forward to the start of a maternal program for expectant mothers.
*Beth Hektoen Photography
Home for Abandoned Children:
Four years ago, eight children were brought down from the mountains above Williamson because they had been begging in the streets and did not have parents who were able to care for them. With the support of amazing church partners, World Wide Village has been helping Pastor Joassaint care for these beautiful children. As the children have continued to grow, they have been outgrowing their space! Their new home is currently under construction and just needs a roof to be completed. Thank you Grace Lutheran Church in Andover, MN for making this home a reality.
Pictured: The abandoned kids with new pillows and the nearly finished new home