Pictured: Encie Cenatus and LiKerlange Clercivil
We are excited to introduce to you, Encie Cenatus and LiKerlange Clercivil. These two talented young nurses are teaming up to launch programming at the new World Wide Village medical center.
Encie is finishing up her last year of nursing school and lives with her family in Port-au-Prince. She is most passionate about providing emergency medicine, such as stitches and wound care. LiKerlange is married to a pastor, has a 14-month old daughter and also lives in Port-au-Prince. She is most passionate about the opportunity to provide medical care for expectant mothers.
Over the last two months these women have worked with WWV leadership to begin a hypertension program, providing blood pressure screening and medication for patients in Williamson and Luly. Their next steps include being trained to screen for and treat early signs of cervical cancer. Thanks to your generosity on #GivingTuesday and throughout the remainder of the year, 500 screening tests were ordered and training for the nurses is being scheduled.
We are thrilled to welcome these two women who love serving the Lord using their gifts and talents in nursing. Please continue to pray for God to be glorified through the medical care offered at the WWV medical center. Thank you for helping save lives!
Thank you Lord for Enice and Likerlange.