Another goal of World Wide Village is to share the gospel and love of Jesus Christ, with humility. “We are not bringing Christ to poor communities. He has been active in these communities since the creation of the world, sustaining them, Hebrews 1:3 says, by His powerful Word. Hence, a significant part of working in poor communities involves discovering and appreciating what God has been doing there for a LONG time.” ― When Helping Hurts.
As teams have come to Haiti, eager to share the gospel and be the hands and feet of Jesus, our goal has been to partner with the local church, already at work in mighty ways in Haiti. One of the most encouraging parts of serving in Haiti is hearing stories of how God is working through the Haitian people. Testimonies of a pastor’s wife prayer walking through the community and sharing Christ with the people and how those people then turned to God and the local church after the catastrophic earthquake of 2010 are amazing to hear.
Pictured: Friday morning prayer shelter on the hills above Williamson
Haitian believers have been gathering every Friday morning on the hills above Williamson to pray and fast for hours over their community, seeking the face of God. God is at work in Haiti, with or without World Wide Village. We are just thankful we are able to share in the blessing of seeing God move and be a part of furthering His Kingdom in Haiti. Sometimes our teams have reaped where they have not sown and have seen people come to Christ as they share the gospel with them. Sometimes our teams have sown seeds and then returned home to pray, only to return to to Haiti and joyfully see someone now following Christ thanks to God’s work and the local Haitian church. What a joy to partner in the gospel!
“While one way giving may seem like the ‘Christian’ thing to do, it can undermine the very relationship a helper is attempting to build. Such charity subtly implies that the recipient has nothing of value the giver desires in return.” – Toxic Charity. We have seen beautiful expressions of giving from families in Haiti. While it can be hard to accept gifts knowing that this gift requires much more of a sacrifice than the gift you have given, it helps form deeper relationships and is a double blessing. A collection of bananas offered as an expression of thanks from a sponsored students’ family, a watermelon offered as a thank you for helping paint the porch on the new home of a single mother, or a drawing given from a teenage boy in the school to show his gratitude. These Haitian families understand that it truly is more blessed to give than to receive.
Toxic Charity is A required class at my church to read and discuss in length during class time for all who do my missionary work, from the Youth Group clear through to the age of adults. Excellent material