Junior chose to do good…

…when he started a small after-school sewing group. As a teacher, he felt these life skills were very important for students in Haiti and could eventually lead to a career.


Harold chose to do good…

…when he donated 16 sewing machines in memory of his daughter, Robin, who loved to sew. These sewing machines are a wonderful reminder of her life and will be a blessing to many for years to come!


Renovation Church chose to do good…

…when they came together to put the roof on a new sewing center. Vocational training is so important in rural Haiti, and this sewing center has allowed the sewing group to grow and expand their curriculum exponentially!


Diane and others choose to do good…

…when they generously donated fabric and other sewing supplies to bless the students in the sewing school.


Now, the students at the sewing center are choosing to do good…

…by sewing face masks to give back to their community. Junior – the sewing center administrator – says that they are sewing the masks to “give away in order to help the community, because the community is really in need due to the situation with the coronavirus. This is to help the community of Williamson.” What a wonderful way to do good and give back!


Thank you for choosing to do good! 

Together, we can continue to “spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” Hebrews 10:24