If you’ve ever tried a fresh mango in Haiti, you experienced a little slice of heaven. Thanks to Haiti’s hot and humid tropical climate, it is the perfect place for growing nutritious fruit. Because of you, mango and papaya trees are thriving at City on a Hill in Williamson, Haiti. Now there are exciting new opportunities to expand!

According to the UW-Madison Global Health Institute, “One of the best paths to reducing poverty in Haiti has nothing to do with finding gold, diamonds, oil or foreign aid, but rather can be found in creating economic activities and jobs in rural communities.”
“Why mango (and papaya)?
- Mango (and papaya) are vital fruits for human nutrition.
- Planting fruit trees will help reverse the effects of massive deforestation and help protect the soil.
- Encouraging mango (and papaya) production among small farmers will reduce poverty, strengthen communities and increase family incomes. Reducing poverty will strengthen communities.”
This spring, World Wide Village is raising funds to expand and grow the agricultural programs at City on a Hill – maybe even including more mango and papaya trees! Completing the installation of an irrigation system, purchasing equipment and seeds necessary to expand and sending our Haitian staff to an important training opportunity on sustainable agri-business in Haiti are top priorities.
Visit “Spring Forward into Sustainability” for more information on how you can be involved!