Women all around the world share one thing in common – monthly periods. Yet for women living in third world countries, these monthly periods can be problematic.
In countries like Haiti, girls can miss several days of school each month and women can lose wages simply because they have their period. It’s especially problematic for women who have recently given birth.

Thankfully, there is a solution!
Women from New Covenant Bible Church in Cedar Rapids, Iowa have partnered with an organization called Days for Girls to create safe, beautiful and washable maxi pads for women in Haiti.
They believe in a world where periods are never a problem!
Hundreds of kits have been donated to World Wide Village to distribute in Haiti.
Mothers who have recently given birth through the Healthy Mothers + Healthy Babies program have been blessed with the kits.
These kits will also be distributed to teenage girls in the WWV supported schools along with health education.

Days for Girls believes that “proper menstrual health management is a universal human right… and vital to women and girls reaching their full potential.” We are thankful for the women at New Covenant Bible Church who have sewn these kits with love and are meeting an unseen need in the communities in which we serve.
Beautiful and durable, these kits will bless many women in Haiti in the months and years to come. Thank you, New Covenant women, for going above and beyond!