As World Wide Village began working more extensively in the villages of Williamson and Luly, we felt moved to help address the many areas of basic needs. In order to ensure our approach to poverty alleviation was sustainable, we facilitated meetings of community leaders and asked three basic questions:

1. What resources do you HAVE?

2. What resources do you NEED?

3. How can we help YOU accomplish your goals?


From those meetings the vision for City on a Hill was born. On the nearly 16.5 acres of land owned by World Wide Village overlooking the ocean in Williamson, Haiti, we have begun to help the residents of the area become:


Healthy   –   Educated   –   Self-Sufficient

Education: Current primary and secondary schools; sewing center; future plans for a vocational training center

Healthcare: Blood pressure program; cervical cancer screening; maternal health program; mobile medical clinics

Community Enrichment: Agriculture, goats, micro-grants and micro-loans for small business, safe housing, fresh water wells. 

Spiritual Development: Monthly pastors’ trainings; weekly young women’s Bible studies; Bible distribution; funding Christian weddings

World Wide Village, Inc. is a registered 501c(3) nonprofit organization:


Accounting Office - Please send checks to:

World Wide Village

2412 Irwin St., Suite 206

Melbourne, FL 32901


Contact Information:

Phone: (651) 777-6908


Minnesota Office:

3495 Northdale Blvd. NW, Suite 230

Coon Rapids, MN  55448

*All donations made to World Wide Village will be used at the organization’s discretion for any purpose consistent with its tax-exempt mission.