Agape Christian Institution & Loving Hearts Children’s Home

The need for education in Haiti is staggering. Nearly half of all school-age children do not attend school due to financial inability. This lack of education has contributed to the ongoing cycle of poverty that has plagued Haiti for decades.
To address the issue, in September 2005, Pastor Jean Martin Etienne and his wife, Jacquemise, founded Agape Christian Institution and to further extend the assistance to children, in 2013 they opened Loving Hearts Children’s Home.

Your financial support will enable the children in these programs to receive a Christian education and a stable home.

For $32 per month, you can invest in the life of a student at Agape Christian and give the incomparable gift of education.

Provide school support at $32 per month or residential care at $32 per month for a child at Loving Hearts Children’s Home.

Martin Etienne was born in Jeremie and lives in Port au Prince, Haiti. In 1988, he was blessed with a scholarship to study at Ferris State University, Big Rapids, Michigan where he graduated with a degree in Audiovisual Production. In 1997, Martin graduated from bible seminary and became an ordained pastor and founded Agape Victory Church in Port au Prince.

Pastor Martin and Jacquemise have been married for 22 years. They have 6 beautiful children:  Monica (21),  Jephthe (20),  Nana (15), Caleb (15), Debora (13) and Esther (4).

World Wide Village, Inc. is a registered 501c(3) nonprofit organization:

3495 Northdale Blvd. NW, Suite 230
Coon Rapids, MN  55448
Phone: (651) 777-6908

2412 Irwin St., Suite 206
Melbourne, FL 32901

*All donations made to World Wide Village will be used at the organization’s discretion for any purpose consistent with its tax-exempt mission.