Six months ago, Sadrac Desius became ill with Typhoid Fever. He suffered from high fevers, stomach pain, diarrhea, weakness and loss of appetite.


Typhoid fever can be a serious illness and he spent many days traveling to the doctor as they worked to reach a diagnosis and provide treatment. 


Sadrac’s father works as a mason. Yet over the last year Sadrac’s father has had very little work. The economy in Haiti is suffering enormously due to the political instability and growing gang violence in the nation’s capital. Life has been hard, especially for a family with a very sick child. 


Thanks to your generosity, Sadrac and his family received assistance with medical costs & transportation to and from the doctor. Your gifts assisted in enrolling Sadrac in a malnutrition clinic and providing a food pack for the whole family. Your generosity also provided rent assistance while the family gets back on their feet. Healing, nutrition and a safe place to live… all thanks to you! 


Thank you for blessing this family and choosing to HELP ONE!