God continues to move in incredible ways in Haiti! As you read this wonderful story of the Francois family, take a moment to thank God for his faithfulness and love expressed through your generosity.


Delise and his wife Mata received two pregnant goats over the summer. Together they work as farmers but have been struggling with making a livable income.


They were so thankful for the opportunity to start raising goats, but that’s just the beginning of the story! 

When World Wide Village asked Mrs. Francois where her children attended school, she lowered her head in shame and said, “We have never been able pay for them to start school.” Mata and Delise were never able to attend school themselves, but wanted more for their own children.

Thanks to your support of World Wide Village, all three Francois boys received tutoring over the summer. And even more, all three boys have now been blessed with a sponsorship and have started school!

An education will be an invaluable asset for these young boys, helping to break the cycle of illiteracy and poverty in their family. But keep reading… there’s even more to this exciting story!
Your generosity opened doors to receiving goats – receiving goats opened doors to tutoring – tutoring opened doors to an education – and then God opened doors to sharing the gospel!


When our Haitian staff visited Mata to share the good news that her boys had all been sponsored, they were able to speak to her of God’s love.

They walked through the Bible sharing about Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection and the free gift of God’s grace. They shared with Mata how this gift of salvation is for everyone.

Hearing these words, Mata prayed to accept Christ as her Savior that day!  The next week, her husband made the same decision to follow Christ.

Thank you for joining us in fighting poverty, sharing the love of Christ and opening doors to the gospel.


“For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved!” Romans 10:13