Quiet. Humble. Dedicated. These three words best describe Osnel Jeanrilus, one of our wonderful WWV staff members in Haiti. If you’ve ever been to Haiti with World Wide Village you have probably seen Osnel quietly studying at the guesthouse. Whether reading his bible or a textbook, Osnel is always learning.


Osnel grew up the middle of five siblings. He has been through difficult times losing both his father and brother, but his faith in God has remained strong. Over the last several years, we have watched Osnel grow into an outstanding young man.


Today, he is leading Bible studies with some of the World Wide Village staff members. He is preaching at his local church. He is sharing the gospel with individuals who are receiving help from World Wide Village. He is leading people to Christ!

We want to say a special thank you to members of The Cornerstone Club who give each month to support our Haitian staff. Your monthly gifts help World Wide Village staff like Osnel thrive and use the gifts that God has given them to serve the people of Haiti.


If you are not yet part of this faithful group of World Wide Village supporters, we encourage you to learn more about how your monthly gifts can make an amazing impact in Haiti!


Visit: worldwidevillage.org/the-cornerstone-club.


Osnel attends classes part-time and also works for World Wide Village maintaining the guesthouse and managing statistics and data from the animal herds, school food inventories, and well managers. He is so thankful for the opportunity to continue working and recently reflected on his time with World Wide Village.


“It’s helped me a lot because it’s helped me to learn something that I really love, for example, computers. It’s helped me to learn English and it’s helped me to help myself and my family.” Osnel is now speaking English so well that he even shared these words with us in English!


But life in Haiti can be hard. Osnel feels the burden of his Haitian family and friends who are struggling to feed their families.

“I have my aunt and cousins in the mountains. [During the political protesting] they didn’t have good water to drink, they didn’t have food. That really hurt me.”


Seeing these difficulties, Osnel also has big dreams of someday being able to create business opportunities for others in Haiti the same way World Wide Village has provided opportunities for him.


“My future plan is to have a business to create opportunities to help the other people who don’t have anything to eat. I want to give them a job as World Wide Village gave me. I want to do that because there are a lot of people who don’t have anything to eat. I pray to God that when God blesses me, I can create something to give them a job and help them to have something to eat.”


Osnel cares deeply for people in Haiti who are hurting, not only physically, but also spiritually. To grow in his faith, he takes part in a weekly Bible study over Zoom with a wonderful World Wide Village supporter who encourages Osnel to share the gospel with others and be a servant leader.

“With Mr. Les I become a new man. It’s because Mr. Les helps me to know how to work with other people. He helps me to follow Jesus as a good leader. Jesus gave himself for the people that he led. I really love Mr. Les for that. I thank World Wide Village for Mr. Les helping me to know how to help other people to come to God.”


Osnel’s diligence in studying God’s word and desire for humbly reaching others make him a great student and teacher. We are so thankful to have Osnel as part of our World Wide Village staff and look forward to seeing how God will use him in the future!