It’s a beautiful day in Haiti when the tap-taps are busy on the streets, the markets are bustling, and children can be seen in their neatly pressed uniforms heading to school. It means that life is back to normal in Haiti and we are definitely thankful for that! Thanks to you, a couple new small businesses are taking off this month, planning has started for the maternal health program, students are enjoying school and in just over a week we will kick off our spring fundraiser: “Spring Forward into Sustainability!”
WWV Gardens:
Thanks to many of you, the gardens at City on a Hill have been getting a boost over the last several months. Irrigation drip systems are being installed for use during the dry season, and soil is being added to the base of the papaya trees to keep them healthy and producing delicious papaya! READ MORE on future plans and needs for the World Wide Village agricultural projects.
Your support of the World Wide Village Student Sponsorship Program is blessing so many children. The cycle of illiteracy and poverty that is so prevalent in Haiti is being broken! Enjoy a few photos of the students in the WWV supported schools.
Business & Sustainability:
Nelson’s sandal business is booming thanks to a business loan from World Wide Village last year. He has recently added hand-painted sandal designs (they are very popular!) and sandals in children’s sizes for sale in the market. We love business success stories! A new website that will allow Nelson to sell his sandals in the U.S. is also in the works. Plus, several other families are in the process of being approved for small business loans, as well, so be on the lookout for future stories on these families and for Nelson’s website!
Maternal Healthcare:
A medical team from Crosspoint Church in Waverly, Iowa is currently on the ground in Haiti, helping to get the maternal health program off the ground! The shipping container full of furnishings and equipment is also scheduled to arrive in Haiti next month. We are so thankful for your generosity during our “Healthy Mothers + Healthy Babies” campaign that is allowing this new program to be birthed — literally and figuratively!