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Yes! I want to help families and empower communities.



Healthy Mothers and Healthy Babies

We love babies!  Each one of them is a gift from God. A new life with new potential. But,...

One-time donations:

$0 of $37,316 raised

Healthy Mothers

I'm getting creative with helping others. I've decided to focus all of my energy on raising...

One-time donations:

$0 of $7,710 raised

Patricia Mortensen's 2021 Birthday Backpacks

My birthday is coming up on January 11th and this year I know exactly what I want!...

One-time donations:

$0 of $230 raised


403 Jackson Street, Suite 308
Minneapolis, MN 55303
Phone: (651) 777-6908

3810 Murrell Rd, #303
Rockledge, FL 32955
Phone: (321) 735-8574


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